Wednesday, November 5, 2014

11 Months


Sweet boy, you are 11 months old and I really can't believe it! Time is flying so fast and we're starting to see your little personality emerge and it's so cute.

You got your two top teeth this month, so now you have 4 teeth but they're all still working their way out. It still surprises me to see you with a toothy grin. It makes me a little sad because it's one less bay thing about you but at the same time it's SO cute!

You still don't love food, sometimes you will eat but most times it's a little bit of a struggle. You have certain things that you do like and will usually eat but I'm still doing a lot of experimenting with you. You are still nursing all day and all night. I don't really keep track of it anymore but I know some days you nurse less and some days you nurse more, just depends on how your feeling about how you've eaten that day.

You are going to sleep in your crib (I nurse you to sleep) every night sometime between 7:30-8:30 but when you wake up in the middle of the night I just bring you back to bed with me and we nurse/sleep for the rest of the night.

You are still wearing a size 3 diaper. You are wearing almost all 12 month stuff, you can still fit in some 9 month stuff but it's a little more snug.

We still have you in your infant carseat but I'm hoping to get your new big bot seat soon.

You are a total climber! You climbed the attic stairs all by yourself the other day! You got up to the third step before I stopped you from going further. I was standing right behind you the whole time in shock of how effortlessly and quickly you did it.

You are walking great with your walker and pushing anything you can but you never let go. I'm pretty sure you actually took a little step unassisted the other day before you realized you weren't holding on to anything.

You are a TOTAL mommas boy. You really don't like anyone else to have you or watch you but daddy and even that is kind of touchy sometimes especially if you're tired or hungry. It's so sweet and I savor it now because I know my time of being the center of your world is very limited.

You daddy has taught you how to say "no" (you say "na") and shake you head. It's just about the cutest thing ever. :) And I'm pretty sure I wrote this in one of the previous months but you've been saying uh oh for a couple months now, I actually haven't heard you say it recently though.

I love you more than you will ever know and I am so blessed to be you momma!

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