Saturday, October 18, 2014

10 months

You are a cruising machine! Right after you turned 9 months you started really crawling, not just scooting and the almost instantly you were pulling up on stuff all over the place and walking along furniture! 

You have been working on cutting 3 more teeth, which had been brutal. Your eating and temperament have been a mess. 

A few weeks ago I noticed you saying 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

9 months


Sweet boy, how you are 9 months old already, blows my mind! You have completely stollen my heart and you do the same to almost everyone you encounter. I hear all the time "He is such a happy baby" "That smile is amazing".  You are my precious little boy and I can't imagine life with out you.

You are becoming more and more mobile. Just today you pulled to standing up at the coffee table, totally unassisted. You are crawling more and more. Your most used mode of movement it still on your belly but each day you are taking more and more "steps" while staying up on all fours.  You can move from sitting into crawling position and sometimes you can get back to sitting but usually you just stay on your belly after you get there.

You are VERY attached to me. Like you must be able to see/touch me at ALL times or you pitch a fit. Sometimes if you are in just the right mood and I can distract you with the right toy, I can step out of the from for a minute.

You still have no teeth but one is on it's way out, so by the time you are 10 months you will have at least one tooth. I'm savoring the last days I have with your gummy smile, I love it.

You are starting to memmic sounds. Just the other day I kept saying uh-oh every time you through your toy on the ground and you repeated something that sounded very close, even Parker picked up on it. You though it was quite funny.

You still have no interest in eating food, pretty much the only food you will eat are puffs. I keep giving you food, baby food and finger food but nothing really happens with it.  You are still nursing all day and all night, exclusively. No bottles or pacifiers.

As far as sleep goes, your first nap of the day is in your crib and usually about 30 minutes sometimes I get really lucky and it's 45. Then your afternoon one I have been holding you and nursing you on the couch while you sleep and Parker rests. Then your 3rd nap is either in the car or in your crib and it's short also, usually about 30 minutes. Your longest nap in the second one but only because I hold you.  You are going to bed at about 8:00 every night. I nurse and rock you to sleep then lay you in your bed and you sleep until sometime between 10:30-12:00, one night was even as late at 2:00. When you wake up I just bring you strait back to my bed and nurse you back to sleep and you sleep with us for the rest of the night. From that point on you wake up every couple of hours and I just roll over and nurse you on the other side until we are both back asleep.

As of tonight we won't be bathing you in your little blue tub or with Parker. I had been filling your blue tub and then pushing it to the back of the big tub and bathing her in the front but you've been pulling up to standing in the tub for a while, making me nervous but tonight you stood up and feel forward into the water. So I took your tub out and then you were a crazy man wanting to crawl all over the water. So, now I think we're going to have to bath you alone with like 1 inch of water!

You are SO much better in the car. Sometimes I even leave the house just so you'll fall asleep in the car. If you fuss it's usually only when I first put you in, which is really funny you stand up and make it pretty hard to get you in but I usually distract you with the mirror or you fuss if your tired or hungry and just ready to be out the car.

You still wear a size 3 diaper. Size 6/9 or 9 month clothes. Your eyes are still a very pretty gray. And you hair is coming in more and more, it's a medium brown.

Your eyes are still a beautiful grey and they are starting to get glimmers of a greenish tint, but sometimes they still have a blue tint.

You weigh 19.14 lb and are about 27". (I'm pretty sure the inches are off, because that would put you in the 14 percentile and you are not short, all I ever hear from people is how big you look.)

8 months


To say I can't believe your are 8 months old would be a major understate. I really can't believe that we are only 4 months away for you being ONE YEAR OLD! Time really goes to fast. You are an absolute joy and a totally mommy's boy. You are growing and developing so much lately. I'm writing this a week after you turned 8 months (8/14/14) so I'm just going to go current but a few of the things you weren't doing yet when you hit 8 months.

You are becoming so much more mobile! You are almost never in the same spot that I left you. I usually sit you on the floor in the den with the boppy somewhat behind you, because you still throw yourself back pretty often. And before long you are either laying down playing with your toys and rolling all around or you are army crawl scooting trying to get to something, usually me in the kitchen.

We had you on an amazing sleep routine. You were going to sleep at 8:00 and waking up about 7:00, it was AMAZING. All it took was you cry/fussing to sleep on night for about 45 minutes. Then after a week and a half it all tanked, you started regressing, which is normal. but then you got really sick, 104.3 fever on medicine sick. So I didn't put you down all night and I think that pretty much did us in. All that happened at the same time that your separation anxiety was starting up really bad so I just can't bring myself to sleep train you again. You still go to sleep at 7:45-8:15 every night. I rock and nurse you to sleep. Then when you wake up, depending on what time it is and if I'm still up I either feed you and put you back in your crib or just bring you to bed with me. Once you are in bed with me you pretty much nurse of and on all night. But at least I'm not having to get up and stay up while you eat. It works for now and I'm all to aware of how quickly this time goes so I'm soaking in all the super amazing snuggles while I can. And me say, you are one snuggly little boy!








7 months

This past month you went on your first vacation. We went to the beach. We stayed at a condo that had an amazing pool and you loved it! We brought a special float for you and you loved to just sit back and relax and kick in it.

I started really working on you eating food. You haven't really shown much interest in food but I started following the introduction the food schedule from the book Moms on Call and now you are actually eating and wantingn to food. It's so cute. I'm still in the process of working through introducing to foods to make such you don't have a reaction to anything. 

You can completly sit up on your own! It was around June 13th or 14th that you really sat up for the first time. We still
Make sure that either your boppy or someone is sitting behind you because while you are very good at catching your balance, sometimes you still just fall strait back. 

You have become VERY grabby. ANYTHING in reach is far game so we have to be very careful about what's in your reach. And you are QUICK. 

You put almost everything in your mouth BUT food which is pretty funny.

You really love your jumperoo now and so do I because you can hang out in the kitchen with me while I get stuff done.

I started working on your sleeping a couple a weeks ago. Things had gotten really bad. You were to the point where you were waking up about four or five times and night and not letting me put you down after I fed you. You were also taking almost no naps unless I was holding you and I and just can't do that all the time.

You are still in a size 3 diaper, I think you'll be in these for awhile.
Almost all your 6 months clothes are too small I've pretty much finished transitioning you to 9 month or 6-12 month stuff. (That's such a crazy range for size)
Your eyes are so beautiful! They are still a very pretty dark blue grey, I don't think they're going to turn brown but I'm not sure. I'm thinking they may end up being hazel.
Your hair is growing back in and it so cute and soft and spikey.
You are still breastfeding great, you don't take a bottle or a pacifier. Each month that passes and you continue to gain and grow still surprises me a little. 

6 months

This letter has just been sitting for amost two months so I'm just going to publish it like this. 

Sweet baby boy, 

I can't believe you have been on out lives for 6 months. I can't even imagine not having you as part of our family. You are the most perfect addition. 

This past month we decided to go ahead and start you on some reflux medicine, as much as I hate to, if it helps it's worth it.  Hopefully you won't get sick or an ear infection this month.

You have become very grabby all if the sudden. I call you Mr. Grabby Hands! When you're laying on your back You will reach your arms out to both sides and just see what kind of stuff you can grab and then whatever you're able to get ahold of goes strait to your mouth. 

You showed signs of your first enjoyment with food on 5/25 with avocado. So cute! You would even lean forward a little for more. You still won't eat the oatmeal cereal, you start to cry after just a couple bites. So I may just mix it with some fruit when we get there. I'm not I'm a rush for you to eat real food but it would be nice if it helped you sleep a little better at night.

You are doing so much better in the car. Still not totally happy all the time but most of the time now you either look out the window or fall asleep.

5 months


My time with you is amazing and going way too fast. I can't even explain to you the insane love I have for you. If I kissed you 12,000 times a day it still wouldn't be enough! You are a complete delight and you make our family more whole. You are so precious and I thank God EVERY day for blessing me with you and letting me be your mommy! 

You are such a happy and smiley little boy. You grin from ear to ear all the time, anytime someone shows you attention or smiles at you. It's so sweet and people comment on your amazing smile and happy disposition all the time.

You are a total arm baby and LOVE momma! Your favorite place to be is in my arms and while I don't blame you it makes getting things done pretty difficult sometimes. You have gone from almost never letting me put you down to staying content for much longer periods. Now that you can jump a little better in you jumparoo and can play in your highchair. I have those two in the kitchen, so you can see me and we can hang out. Your also starting to do better under your playmat and you'll even last on your tummy for a few minutes now.

You are starting to display some separation anxiety. You will be as happy as came be with someone else holding you and then let out a horrible SCREAM and as soon as I take you back you settle right away. Little stinker! You also now show some major disapproval when I walk away from you or out of your sight. Too funny, I actually got it on video the other day. You've also started to be startled by sudden loud noises and it typically sets you off into hysterics.

You had your first ear infection this past month. You were such a trooper with it though, we only had a couple of messed up nights. 

You have been in your crib this whole month and you are doing great! I think you are actually sleeping better than you were when you were in our room. We have a wedge under your mattress to keep your head elevated because you've had so many colds and I think we are just going to keep it there. (You have another one currently)

With sleep, you are ALL OVER the place! Some nights you wake up once, some nights twice. You have had a few nights in a row if 7-8 hour stretches and even on night that was a 10 hour stretch! I was AMAZING. I woke up and got up before you. Then the very next night you woke up FIVE times! That was a rough one. I can't really even tell you a norm though because every night is so different. You've been spending a good bit of time in the very early morning hours in your swing because it's extra elevated and I'm just desperate for a good stretch of sleep.

Since I wrote that ^ your sleep has compleatly plumitted! You have your second ear infection which we are now thinking may be reflux related, so at your follow up ear check I think we will discuss  meds. I'm super bumbed about it but something has to change. You are sleeping horribly now. It's like we've reversed back to new born days. So hard on both of us. I've been resorting to you sleeping in your swing most nights just so we can both get some good rest. I don't know if it's the motion (I only put it on setting one) or the position but you do so much better in it than your bed. 

I joked with someone the other day that "You cat nap during the day and NAP at night!" So draining. 

You are getting so much stronger with picking your weight up when you are in your belly. It's so cute. When you are in your belly though your back legs are constantly going. You don't spend a whole lot if time on the floor because you start fussing after just a few minutes and now I'm realizing that it might be uncomfortable for you. I'm so sorry sweet boy, hopefully we can get it all figured out soon. You have rolled over front to back but that was it and I think it's all the same thing with you not spending much time on the floor. I really just carry you around all the time but you are starting to do much better in your jumparoo. The other day I was playing with you on your belly and you rolled from belly to back so many times that you wouldn't stay on your belly for more than a few seconds. It was funny.

You are still nursing and you nurse ALL THE TIME. You will not take a bottle and I have given you oatmeal cereal a few times and avocado once, You are not a fan. ;) I have a feeling that when you decide you like it you will be all about the food but right now you just LOVE to nurse, which I also don't expect to change any time soon. 

Your eyes are still very blue, sometimes grayish it really depends in what you are wearing. I really hope they stay blue but whatever color they end up, yours eyes are beautiful! 

You are in size 2 diapers.
6 month, 3-6 or even 6-9 month stuff and a couple 9 month sleepers! 

Birth - 7 lbs 8 oz
1 month - 10 lbs
2 months - 12 lbs 3 oz
3 months - 14 lbs 6 oz
4 months - 15 lb 6 oz
5 months - 16 lbs 

Birth - 20 1/2 inches 
3 month  - 24 inches
4 months - 25.2 inches 

You are starting to do better in the car but that's only in the last few weeks. You will be so happy in your seat and as soon as I drop it into place in the car you cry. It became almost funny. You still do it occasionally but they you're ok. You'll even fall asleep sometimes now.  You are doing better at playing and looking out the window to keep yourself occupied.

Last week you decided that you want almost nothing to do with a pacifier any more and you really want to nurse to sleep. I'm not sure how that all happened but it was very sudden. 

You are completly memorized by Parker. And she can almost always get you to laugh. Y'all are so sweet together and she is an amazing big sister to you. It make my heart explode to watch the two of you.

I love you more than I could ever began to say and so blessed to be your momma.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

3 months



My sweet boy, you are a dream. I love getting to see more of who you are emerge. This month you have really developed more. You have found your voice and become so smiley. You have the sweetest coos. I could listen to you all day!

You've gotten so much more interactive. You smile a lot and you are also "talking" a lot more. It's so sweet.

You still love bath time! You are super content to just hang out and kick your little legs the whole time. 

You are losing more and more of your hair. I know you'll look super cute bald but I am a little sad to see your hair go, it's so cute. I love to spike it up a little after your bath. 

You had your first cold this past month. It was do sad to hear you congested but it didn't seem to bother you too much and thankfully didn't affect your eating. 

You still have your little "angel wing" mark on your forehead. 

I'm so excited that you have cute little dimples and you also have my ears. But everyone says you look just like your daddy! 

You are still sleeping between each feeding and you at going longer stretches between feedings. You eat anywhere from every 2-4 hours but most of the time it's around the 2.5 - hour mark. At night you have one really long stretch usually about 5 hours but you have made it all the to 6 hours once or twice. Then them you each 2-3 hours later. Your last feeding is usually about 10:30 and you usually eat twice during the night.!

Birth - 7 lbs 8 oz
1 month - 10 lbs
2 months - 12 lbs 3 oz
3 months - 14 lbs 6 oz
(53rd percentile)

Birth - 20 1/2 inches 
3 month  - 24 inches
(35th percentile)

2 months old! (2/3/14)


Time with you is going way to fast for me, I can't believe how big you are getting so fast! I love you with ALL my heart precious boy.

You are getting a lot more content. You will now just hang out on the floor or in your swing looking all around.

I got your first real smile on 1/15/14 (6 weeks old) and it was more amazing than words could say. I thought my heart was going to explode!

You take a bath in the big part of the blue bath tub now, not in the little hammock piece anymore.

You have started going longer stretches between feeding. Sometimes you still want to eat after just 2 hours but it's usually closer to 2 1/2 and sometimes you make it all the way to 3 hours. Your night feedings are about the same every night.

You ate wearing a size one diaper and you are fully in 3 month clothes! You are a growing boy! You are about the size that your sister was at 4 months. 

You are starting to lose more of your hair and you eyes are still a deep blueish grey. I'm so interested to see what color they will be. 

You are aleepng in the napper of your pack n play at night and during the day you either nap in your swing or the napper. You haven't slept in your crib yet. 

Newborn photo shoot