Saturday, October 4, 2014

7 months

This past month you went on your first vacation. We went to the beach. We stayed at a condo that had an amazing pool and you loved it! We brought a special float for you and you loved to just sit back and relax and kick in it.

I started really working on you eating food. You haven't really shown much interest in food but I started following the introduction the food schedule from the book Moms on Call and now you are actually eating and wantingn to food. It's so cute. I'm still in the process of working through introducing to foods to make such you don't have a reaction to anything. 

You can completly sit up on your own! It was around June 13th or 14th that you really sat up for the first time. We still
Make sure that either your boppy or someone is sitting behind you because while you are very good at catching your balance, sometimes you still just fall strait back. 

You have become VERY grabby. ANYTHING in reach is far game so we have to be very careful about what's in your reach. And you are QUICK. 

You put almost everything in your mouth BUT food which is pretty funny.

You really love your jumperoo now and so do I because you can hang out in the kitchen with me while I get stuff done.

I started working on your sleeping a couple a weeks ago. Things had gotten really bad. You were to the point where you were waking up about four or five times and night and not letting me put you down after I fed you. You were also taking almost no naps unless I was holding you and I and just can't do that all the time.

You are still in a size 3 diaper, I think you'll be in these for awhile.
Almost all your 6 months clothes are too small I've pretty much finished transitioning you to 9 month or 6-12 month stuff. (That's such a crazy range for size)
Your eyes are so beautiful! They are still a very pretty dark blue grey, I don't think they're going to turn brown but I'm not sure. I'm thinking they may end up being hazel.
Your hair is growing back in and it so cute and soft and spikey.
You are still breastfeding great, you don't take a bottle or a pacifier. Each month that passes and you continue to gain and grow still surprises me a little. 

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