Saturday, October 4, 2014

5 months


My time with you is amazing and going way too fast. I can't even explain to you the insane love I have for you. If I kissed you 12,000 times a day it still wouldn't be enough! You are a complete delight and you make our family more whole. You are so precious and I thank God EVERY day for blessing me with you and letting me be your mommy! 

You are such a happy and smiley little boy. You grin from ear to ear all the time, anytime someone shows you attention or smiles at you. It's so sweet and people comment on your amazing smile and happy disposition all the time.

You are a total arm baby and LOVE momma! Your favorite place to be is in my arms and while I don't blame you it makes getting things done pretty difficult sometimes. You have gone from almost never letting me put you down to staying content for much longer periods. Now that you can jump a little better in you jumparoo and can play in your highchair. I have those two in the kitchen, so you can see me and we can hang out. Your also starting to do better under your playmat and you'll even last on your tummy for a few minutes now.

You are starting to display some separation anxiety. You will be as happy as came be with someone else holding you and then let out a horrible SCREAM and as soon as I take you back you settle right away. Little stinker! You also now show some major disapproval when I walk away from you or out of your sight. Too funny, I actually got it on video the other day. You've also started to be startled by sudden loud noises and it typically sets you off into hysterics.

You had your first ear infection this past month. You were such a trooper with it though, we only had a couple of messed up nights. 

You have been in your crib this whole month and you are doing great! I think you are actually sleeping better than you were when you were in our room. We have a wedge under your mattress to keep your head elevated because you've had so many colds and I think we are just going to keep it there. (You have another one currently)

With sleep, you are ALL OVER the place! Some nights you wake up once, some nights twice. You have had a few nights in a row if 7-8 hour stretches and even on night that was a 10 hour stretch! I was AMAZING. I woke up and got up before you. Then the very next night you woke up FIVE times! That was a rough one. I can't really even tell you a norm though because every night is so different. You've been spending a good bit of time in the very early morning hours in your swing because it's extra elevated and I'm just desperate for a good stretch of sleep.

Since I wrote that ^ your sleep has compleatly plumitted! You have your second ear infection which we are now thinking may be reflux related, so at your follow up ear check I think we will discuss  meds. I'm super bumbed about it but something has to change. You are sleeping horribly now. It's like we've reversed back to new born days. So hard on both of us. I've been resorting to you sleeping in your swing most nights just so we can both get some good rest. I don't know if it's the motion (I only put it on setting one) or the position but you do so much better in it than your bed. 

I joked with someone the other day that "You cat nap during the day and NAP at night!" So draining. 

You are getting so much stronger with picking your weight up when you are in your belly. It's so cute. When you are in your belly though your back legs are constantly going. You don't spend a whole lot if time on the floor because you start fussing after just a few minutes and now I'm realizing that it might be uncomfortable for you. I'm so sorry sweet boy, hopefully we can get it all figured out soon. You have rolled over front to back but that was it and I think it's all the same thing with you not spending much time on the floor. I really just carry you around all the time but you are starting to do much better in your jumparoo. The other day I was playing with you on your belly and you rolled from belly to back so many times that you wouldn't stay on your belly for more than a few seconds. It was funny.

You are still nursing and you nurse ALL THE TIME. You will not take a bottle and I have given you oatmeal cereal a few times and avocado once, You are not a fan. ;) I have a feeling that when you decide you like it you will be all about the food but right now you just LOVE to nurse, which I also don't expect to change any time soon. 

Your eyes are still very blue, sometimes grayish it really depends in what you are wearing. I really hope they stay blue but whatever color they end up, yours eyes are beautiful! 

You are in size 2 diapers.
6 month, 3-6 or even 6-9 month stuff and a couple 9 month sleepers! 

Birth - 7 lbs 8 oz
1 month - 10 lbs
2 months - 12 lbs 3 oz
3 months - 14 lbs 6 oz
4 months - 15 lb 6 oz
5 months - 16 lbs 

Birth - 20 1/2 inches 
3 month  - 24 inches
4 months - 25.2 inches 

You are starting to do better in the car but that's only in the last few weeks. You will be so happy in your seat and as soon as I drop it into place in the car you cry. It became almost funny. You still do it occasionally but they you're ok. You'll even fall asleep sometimes now.  You are doing better at playing and looking out the window to keep yourself occupied.

Last week you decided that you want almost nothing to do with a pacifier any more and you really want to nurse to sleep. I'm not sure how that all happened but it was very sudden. 

You are completly memorized by Parker. And she can almost always get you to laugh. Y'all are so sweet together and she is an amazing big sister to you. It make my heart explode to watch the two of you.

I love you more than I could ever began to say and so blessed to be your momma.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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