Saturday, October 4, 2014

9 months


Sweet boy, how you are 9 months old already, blows my mind! You have completely stollen my heart and you do the same to almost everyone you encounter. I hear all the time "He is such a happy baby" "That smile is amazing".  You are my precious little boy and I can't imagine life with out you.

You are becoming more and more mobile. Just today you pulled to standing up at the coffee table, totally unassisted. You are crawling more and more. Your most used mode of movement it still on your belly but each day you are taking more and more "steps" while staying up on all fours.  You can move from sitting into crawling position and sometimes you can get back to sitting but usually you just stay on your belly after you get there.

You are VERY attached to me. Like you must be able to see/touch me at ALL times or you pitch a fit. Sometimes if you are in just the right mood and I can distract you with the right toy, I can step out of the from for a minute.

You still have no teeth but one is on it's way out, so by the time you are 10 months you will have at least one tooth. I'm savoring the last days I have with your gummy smile, I love it.

You are starting to memmic sounds. Just the other day I kept saying uh-oh every time you through your toy on the ground and you repeated something that sounded very close, even Parker picked up on it. You though it was quite funny.

You still have no interest in eating food, pretty much the only food you will eat are puffs. I keep giving you food, baby food and finger food but nothing really happens with it.  You are still nursing all day and all night, exclusively. No bottles or pacifiers.

As far as sleep goes, your first nap of the day is in your crib and usually about 30 minutes sometimes I get really lucky and it's 45. Then your afternoon one I have been holding you and nursing you on the couch while you sleep and Parker rests. Then your 3rd nap is either in the car or in your crib and it's short also, usually about 30 minutes. Your longest nap in the second one but only because I hold you.  You are going to bed at about 8:00 every night. I nurse and rock you to sleep then lay you in your bed and you sleep until sometime between 10:30-12:00, one night was even as late at 2:00. When you wake up I just bring you strait back to my bed and nurse you back to sleep and you sleep with us for the rest of the night. From that point on you wake up every couple of hours and I just roll over and nurse you on the other side until we are both back asleep.

As of tonight we won't be bathing you in your little blue tub or with Parker. I had been filling your blue tub and then pushing it to the back of the big tub and bathing her in the front but you've been pulling up to standing in the tub for a while, making me nervous but tonight you stood up and feel forward into the water. So I took your tub out and then you were a crazy man wanting to crawl all over the water. So, now I think we're going to have to bath you alone with like 1 inch of water!

You are SO much better in the car. Sometimes I even leave the house just so you'll fall asleep in the car. If you fuss it's usually only when I first put you in, which is really funny you stand up and make it pretty hard to get you in but I usually distract you with the mirror or you fuss if your tired or hungry and just ready to be out the car.

You still wear a size 3 diaper. Size 6/9 or 9 month clothes. Your eyes are still a very pretty gray. And you hair is coming in more and more, it's a medium brown.

Your eyes are still a beautiful grey and they are starting to get glimmers of a greenish tint, but sometimes they still have a blue tint.

You weigh 19.14 lb and are about 27". (I'm pretty sure the inches are off, because that would put you in the 14 percentile and you are not short, all I ever hear from people is how big you look.)

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