Saturday, October 4, 2014

8 months


To say I can't believe your are 8 months old would be a major understate. I really can't believe that we are only 4 months away for you being ONE YEAR OLD! Time really goes to fast. You are an absolute joy and a totally mommy's boy. You are growing and developing so much lately. I'm writing this a week after you turned 8 months (8/14/14) so I'm just going to go current but a few of the things you weren't doing yet when you hit 8 months.

You are becoming so much more mobile! You are almost never in the same spot that I left you. I usually sit you on the floor in the den with the boppy somewhat behind you, because you still throw yourself back pretty often. And before long you are either laying down playing with your toys and rolling all around or you are army crawl scooting trying to get to something, usually me in the kitchen.

We had you on an amazing sleep routine. You were going to sleep at 8:00 and waking up about 7:00, it was AMAZING. All it took was you cry/fussing to sleep on night for about 45 minutes. Then after a week and a half it all tanked, you started regressing, which is normal. but then you got really sick, 104.3 fever on medicine sick. So I didn't put you down all night and I think that pretty much did us in. All that happened at the same time that your separation anxiety was starting up really bad so I just can't bring myself to sleep train you again. You still go to sleep at 7:45-8:15 every night. I rock and nurse you to sleep. Then when you wake up, depending on what time it is and if I'm still up I either feed you and put you back in your crib or just bring you to bed with me. Once you are in bed with me you pretty much nurse of and on all night. But at least I'm not having to get up and stay up while you eat. It works for now and I'm all to aware of how quickly this time goes so I'm soaking in all the super amazing snuggles while I can. And me say, you are one snuggly little boy!








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