Saturday, October 4, 2014

6 months

This letter has just been sitting for amost two months so I'm just going to publish it like this. 

Sweet baby boy, 

I can't believe you have been on out lives for 6 months. I can't even imagine not having you as part of our family. You are the most perfect addition. 

This past month we decided to go ahead and start you on some reflux medicine, as much as I hate to, if it helps it's worth it.  Hopefully you won't get sick or an ear infection this month.

You have become very grabby all if the sudden. I call you Mr. Grabby Hands! When you're laying on your back You will reach your arms out to both sides and just see what kind of stuff you can grab and then whatever you're able to get ahold of goes strait to your mouth. 

You showed signs of your first enjoyment with food on 5/25 with avocado. So cute! You would even lean forward a little for more. You still won't eat the oatmeal cereal, you start to cry after just a couple bites. So I may just mix it with some fruit when we get there. I'm not I'm a rush for you to eat real food but it would be nice if it helped you sleep a little better at night.

You are doing so much better in the car. Still not totally happy all the time but most of the time now you either look out the window or fall asleep.

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